Rainwater systems

Rainwater runoff from roofs and other surface areas can be collected and stored for water reuse purposes.

The European Standardization Committee CEN/TC165/WG50 developed a standard for the collection, treatment and reuse of rainwater for private or commercial use which was published June 2018.

EN 16941-1:2018 On-site non-potable water systems - Part 1: Systems for the use of rainwater

This European Standard specifies the requirements and gives recommendations for the design, sizing, installation, identification, commissioning and maintenance of rainwater harvesting systems for the use of rainwater on-site as non-potable water. This European Standard also specifies the minimum requirements for these systems.

On-site collection and use of rainwater covers a variety of applications like toilet flushing, laundry, irrigation, climate control of buildings, cleaning, etc. at private and rented properties, residential areas, community developments, industrial sites, hotels, streets, parks, golf courses, theme parks, car parks, stadia.

Recent News



Publication of the standard DIN EN 16941-2:2021-11

In November 2021, the standard DIN EN 16941-2:2021-11 On-site non-potable water systems – Part 2: Systems for the use of treated greywater was published.

This standard establishes requirements for the design, sizing, construction, installation, operation, and maintenance of graywater treatment systems.
The treated water can be used for garden irrigation, toilet/urinal flushing, washing and cleaning purposes.
Use of the treated graywater for purposes such as drinking water, personal hygiene water, or heat recovery is not permitted.

Annex D provides examples of water quality requirements for the various uses. This annex is an informative annex.

Publication of the new European Standard for the use of Rainwater in June 2018

EN 16941-1:2018 On-site non-potable water systems - Part 1: Systems for the use of rainwater

This European Standard specifies the requirements and gives recommendations for the design, sizing, installation, identification, commissioning and maintenance of rainwater harvesting systems for the use of rainwater on-site as non-potable water. This European Standard also specifies the minimum requirements for these systems.

Veröffentlichung des australischen Grauwasser Standards AS 1546.4:2016 „On-site domestic wastewater treatment units – Domestic greywater treatment systems“

Ende November 2016 wurde der neue australische Grauwasser Standard veröffentlicht. Nach mehreren Jahren Bearbeitungszeit konnte der Standard fertiggestellt werden und beinhaltet neu erarbeitete Anforderungen an Grauwasseranlagen. Der zuletzt geltende Standard aus dem Jahr 2008 wurde ersetzt und alle in Australien geltenden Richtlinien wurden in den Standard aufgenommen, welche sich teils maßgeblich von anderen aktuellen Grauwasserstandards unterscheiden. Der Hauptunterschied liegt darin, dass im australischen Standard für die Prüfung reales Grauwasser verwendet wird und ein Challenge-Test mit synthetischem Grauwasser ergänzt werden kann.
Der neue Teil des australischen Standards, 1546.4:2016, ergänzt die Reihe um ein Prüfverfahren für häusliche Grauwasseraufbereitungsanlagen mit einer täglichen Behandlungskapazität von bis zu 1000 L/Tag.